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Form built from module disappears after a few seconds

Looking for a more customizable MsgBox.

Some users suggested to others: build a form "on the fly".

I'm trying to add a form and it's code programmatically from my VBA Sub BuildFrmOnTheFly.

My form is shown, but suddenly disappears.
It remains open 10/secs, maybe 100/secs.
No errors.
In VBE the form exists and if I run it from project browser, all is OK. The form remains open till I click on OK (Unload form) or close it from the X.
I got Windows 11 x64, Office 2021 x32. I'm working in my PERSONALS.XLSB so my "custom MsgBox" is enabled in all my other XLSM files. I declared a Public Sub for the same reason.

Option Explicit
Public Sub BuildFrmOnTheFly(ByVal strFrmTitle As String, ByVal strFrmTxt As String)

' GestErr.
On Error GoTo GesErr

Dim VBComp As Object
Dim frmZZZ As Object
Dim txtZZZ As MSForms.TextBox
Dim btnZZZ As MSForms.CommandButton
    ' If a FORM named frmZZZ exist, delete!
    For Each VBComp In ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents
        With VBComp
            If .Type = 3 Then
                If .Name = "frmZZZ" Then
                    ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents.Remove ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents("frmZZZ")
                End If
            End If
        End With
    Next VBComp
    ' Save file if isn't.
    If Application.Workbooks("PERSONAL.XLSB").Saved = False Then
        Application.DisplayAlerts = False
        Application.DisplayAlerts = True
    End If

    ' Hide VBE win.
    Application.VBE.MainWindow.Visible = False

    ' Add and build Form frmZZZ.
    Set frmZZZ = ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents.Add(3)
    With frmZZZ
        .Properties("BackColor") = RGB(255, 255, 255)
        .Properties("BorderColor") = RGB(64, 64, 64)
        .Properties("Caption") = strFrmTitle
        .Properties("Height") = 150
        .Properties("Name") = "frmZZZ"
        .Properties("ShowModal") = False
        .Properties("Width") = 501
    End With

    ' Build TextBox txtZZZ.
    Set txtZZZ = frmZZZ.Designer.Controls.Add("Forms.TextBox.1")
        With txtZZZ
            .Name = "txtZZZ"
            .BorderStyle = fmBorderStyleNone
            .BorderColor = RGB(169, 169, 169)
            .font.Name = "Calibri"
            .font.Size = 12
            .ForeColor = RGB(70, 70, 70)
            .SpecialEffect = fmSpecialEffectFlat
            .MultiLine = True
            .Left = 0
            .Top = 10
            .Height = 75
            .Width = 490
            .text = strFrmTxt
        End With

    ' Build Button btnZZZ (OK)
    Set btnZZZ = frmZZZ.Designer.Controls.Add("Forms.commandbutton.1")
        With btnZZZ
            .Name = "btnZZZ"
            .Caption = "OK"
            .Accelerator = "M"
            .Top = 90
            .Left = 0
            .Width = 70
            .Height = 20
            .font.Size = 12
            .font.Name = "Calibri"
            .BackStyle = fmBackStyleOpaque
        End With
    ' Add module to the Form.
    With frmZZZ.CodeModule
        ' Initialize Form.
        .InsertLines .CountOfLines + 1, "Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()"
        .InsertLines .CountOfLines + 1, "Dim TopOffset As Integer"
        .InsertLines .CountOfLines + 1, "Dim LeftOffset As Integer"
        .InsertLines .CountOfLines + 1, "    TopOffset = (Application.UsableHeight / 2) - (frmZZZ.Height / 2)"
        .InsertLines .CountOfLines + 1, "    LeftOffset = (Application.UsableWidth / 2) - (frmZZZ.Width / 2)"
        .InsertLines .CountOfLines + 1, "    frmZZZ.Top = Application.Top + TopOffset"
        .InsertLines .CountOfLines + 1, "    frmZZZ.Left = Application.Left + LeftOffset"
        .InsertLines .CountOfLines + 1, "    txtZZZ.WordWrap = True"
        .InsertLines .CountOfLines + 1, "    txtZZZ.MultiLine = True"
        .InsertLines .CountOfLines + 1, "    txtZZZ.font.Size = 12"
        .InsertLines .CountOfLines + 1, "    txtZZZ.Left = (frmZZZ.InsideWidth - txtZZZ.Width) / 2"
        .InsertLines .CountOfLines + 1, "    btnZZZ.Left = (frmZZZ.InsideWidth - btnZZZ.Width) / 2"
        .InsertLines .CountOfLines + 1, "End Sub"

        ' Terminate Form.
        .InsertLines .CountOfLines + 1, "Private Sub UserForm_Terminate()"
        ' Remove Form from VBA Proj.
        .InsertLines .CountOfLines + 1, "    ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents.Remove ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents(""frmZZZ"")"
        .InsertLines .CountOfLines + 1, "    Application.VBE.MainWindow.Visible = True"
        .InsertLines .CountOfLines + 1, "End Sub"

        ' Btn OK close Form.
        .InsertLines .CountOfLines + 1, "Private Sub btnZZZ_Click()"
        .InsertLines .CountOfLines + 1, "   Unload Me"
        .InsertLines .CountOfLines + 1, "End Sub"
    End With
    ' Add Form frmZZZ and show it.
    Set frmZZZ = VBA.UserForms.Add("frmZZZ")
' Exit sub, before empty vars.
Uscita: strFrmTitle = Empty
        strFrmTxt = Empty
        Set btnZZZ = Nothing
        Set txtZZZ = Nothing
        Set frmZZZ = Nothing
        Exit Sub
' If error comes.
GesErr: MsgBox "Error in Sub" & vbCrLf & "'BuildFrmOnTheFly'" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & Err.Description
        Resume Uscita
' End.
End Sub

How I call it:

Option Explicit
Sub TryBuildFrmOnTheFly()
Dim strText As String
    strText = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut MQ" '95 chars
    Call BuildFrmOnTheFly("This is the form title", strText)
End Sub

Problem seems to be when I start filling

With frZZZ.CodeModule
End With

Already a simple Button like btnZZZ gives me the problem.

        .InsertLines .CountOfLines + 1, "Private Sub btnZZZ_Click()"
        .InsertLines .CountOfLines + 1, "   Unload Me"
        .InsertLines .CountOfLines + 1, "End Sub"

I've read posts like this or this.


  • After show, add the parameter VBModal

    frmZZZ.Show vbModal