Search code examples

Find and Replace Text with RegEx in Notepad++

Does anyone have an idea how I can achieve the following with Notepad++.

For example, I have the following text:

 { 1000000003;1;Column; ;
               DataSource=Search Name }

    { 10000004;1;Column; ;
               DataSource=Name 2 }

Is it possible to put the value that follows DataSource= in the line above?

The value is to be set after Column;.

The result should look like this:

{ 1000000003;1;Column;Search Name ;
               DataSource=Search Name }

    { 10000004;1;Column;Name 2 ;
               DataSource=Name 2 }

I have already created the following RegEx:


With this I find what I need, but I did not manage to get the desired result with it.

Is this possible at all with RegEx or is there a plugin that can do this?


  • You can search using this regex with 3 capture groups:


    and replace with:


    RegEx Demo