We are trying to create a design guideline with lit and want to use storybook to document our components. Here is a example story (in mdx format) that I use:
import { html } from 'lit';
import { Canvas, Story } from '@storybook/addon-docs';
import './gr-button';
export const Template = (args) => html`<gr-button
?secondary=${args.variant === 'secondary'}
?medium=${args.size === 'medium'}
?small=${args.size === 'small'}>${args.label}</gr-button>`;
<Canvas columns={1}>
<Story name="Secondary Block disabled button" args={{ disabled: true, variant: 'secondary', block: true, label: 'Fill the form' }}>
And here the result that Storybook shows in "Show code" panel in the UI:
<gr-button secondary="" disabled="" block=""><!--?lit$754556085$-->Fill the form</gr-button>
Anyone know how to get rid of empty values for boolean attributes and that lit comment tag?
In the end, I needed to clean up them with transformSource
hook of Storybook's docs
parameter. So in your preview.js
export const parameters = {
docs: {
transformSource: source =>
.replace(/<!--\?lit\$[0-9]+\$-->|<!--\??-->/g, '')
// Clean empty boolean attribute values
.replace(/=\"\"/g, ''),