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How to get the dimensions of an element passed as a prop

Let's say I have a component that takes an element as a prop called customHeader:

const Example = ({ children, customHeader }) => {
  ...some code  

  return (
      {customHeader ? customHeader : <div>Default Header</div>}

Then where I use the Example component I do the following:

<Example customHeader={<div>blah</div>}>

So far this is fairly standard stuff and everything is working but the problem I have is that I want to be able to grab the dimensions of the customHeader element by doing something like customHeader.clientHeight but that won't work. When I console.log it I get this object printed out:

  $$typeof: Symbol(react.element)
  key: ".0"
  props: {children: 'Blah'}
  ref: null
  type: "div"
  _owner: FiberNode {tag: 0, key: null, stateNode: null, elementType: ƒ, type: ƒ, …}
  _store: {validated: false}

Is there a way to convert a JSX element that is passed as a prop to an "normal" HTML element so I can read a bunch of information off it?


  • You could use cloneElement to assign an useRef to the component that will have the aRef.current.clientHeight you're looking for

    I've added a simple <button> to add some padding to the customHeader so you can see the clientHeight change it's value

    const { useEffect, useRef, useState } = React;
    const Example = ({ children, customHeader }) => {
        const aRef = useRef();
        useEffect(() => {
            if (aRef.current) {
                const clientHeight = aRef.current.clientHeight;
                console.log(`ClientHeight: ${clientHeight}`);
        }, [ customHeader ]);
        return (
                        ? React.cloneElement(customHeader, { ref: aRef }) 
                        : <div>Default Header</div>
    const App = () => {
        /* Demo purpose only */
        const [customHeaderPadding, setCustomHeaderPadding] = useState(0);
        const toggleCustomHeaderPadding = () => {
            const newValue = (customHeaderPadding === 0) ? 50 : 0;
        /* Demo purpose only */
        return (
            <Example customHeader={<div style={{ padding: customHeaderPadding }}>blah</div>}>
               <button onClick={toggleCustomHeaderPadding}>{'Toggle Padding'}</button>
    ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById("react"));
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <div id="react"></div>