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How do I send a cfm file as the body of an e-mail using ColdFusion?

I have a legacy application where an email.cfm file is used with a cfmail tag to send e-mail:

<cfmail from="" to="" subject="New e-mail!">
    // lots of HTML

Now I'd like to update it for ColdFusion Model Glue 3. I want to send it using a mail object in the controller, and include in the body a CFM page:

var mail = new mail();
mail.setSubject("New e-mail!");
mail.setBody( ** SOME CFM FILE ** );

Does anybody have any idea how I can do this?


  • I ended up following Henry's advice in the comments and created a CFML-based CFC:

        <cffunction name="SendMail">
            <cfargument name="from"/>
            <cfargument name="to"/>
            <cfargument name="subject"/>
            <cfmail from="#from#" to="#to#" subject="#subject#">
                <!--- HTML for e-mail body here --->

    Dave Long's suggestion is also good, which is to create components using <cfcomponent>, then wrapping the code in <cfscript> tags. This gives you the ability to fall back to CFML in case the there is no cfscript equivalent or it's easier to do with CFML:

            void function GetData()
        <cffunction name="RunDbQuery">
            <cfquery name="data">
                SELECT * FROM ABC;
            <cfreturn data>