When using an on click event to get the value of clicked element, using .innerHTML
it returns the lit element ID too:
toggleRadioCheck(e) {
console.log(e.target.innerHTML); // Result: <!--?lit$5487646469$-->Input One
console.log(e.target.value); // Result: Input One
As you can see using e.target.value
is returning the correct value but using e.target.innerHTML
picks up the LIT ID too. When lit components are rendered in shadow DOM LIT attaches a commented ID associated to the component, but hoping there was a way to use innerHTML
to get the value.
How can avoid returning the ID generated by LIT. This:
I don't know why exactly you don't want to use the value, because that would be the correct way in this example. I am using the following function when I write snapshot tests to remove those comments:
export const cleanHTML = (el: Element): string => {
const innerHTML = el.shadowRoot!.innerHTML;
return innerHTML.replace(/<!--([\s\S]*?)-->/g, '');
So the call would be in your example: