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Mounting secrets directly to /run/secrets in Kubernetes

I do have an existing application that used docker and docker compose so far. I want to operate this app in a Kubernetes cluster. Shouldn't be a big deal, right? But so far I failed because of the used secrets.

The application expects a secret to be present in a file at: /run/secrets/webhook_secret, where webhook_secret is the file containing the secret.

I created a secret with kubectl like this:

   kubectl create secret                                                       
      generic webhook-secret \
      --from-literal=webhook_secret=123 \
      --namespace my-app

I tried to mount the secret in the manifest with...

  - name: secrets
    mountPath: "/run/secrets"
    readOnly: true
  - name: secrets
      secretName: webhook-secret

But then the pod is not able to start, as Kubernetes also tries to mount the same directory and so issues with run/secrets/ occur...

Warning Failed 3m1s (x4 over 3m37s) kubelet Error: failed to create containerd task: failed to create shim task: OCI runtime create failed: runc create failed: unable to start container process: error during container init: error mounting "/var/lib/kubelet/pods/e79f634a-2abe-4c47-ae50-c4beb5b66ae6/volumes/" to rootfs at "/var/run/secrets/": mkdir /run/containerd/io.containerd.runtime.v2.task/ read-only file system: unknown

Any idea how I can provide the secret as required by the application?

Regards and thanks, Thomas


  • It might be perfectly possible to mount your own secrets into the /var/run/secrets or /run/secrets path. Even in the scenario where Kuberbetes is concurrently using that path for system-related tasks. This commonly happens when, for instance, you are running a cluster with 2+ nodes and Kubernetes starts projecting it's system objects like secrets, tokens, certifates, etc. into /var/run/secrets/

    I don't know the exact specifics of your case, but you might want to look into subPath. When your application expects secrets to be available in /run/secrets, you can do so something like:

        - name: myContainer
          image: "someImage:1.0.0"
      - name: mySecretVolumeName
        mountPath: "/run/secrets/webhook_secret"
        readOnly: true
        subPath: webhook-secret
      - name: mySecretVolumeName
          secretName: secrets
            - key: webhook-secret
              path: webhook-secret

    People started bumping into the issue you're experiencing (if I understand you correctly) a few years ago:

    Hope this helps you out!