In an Optaplanner constraint, I iterate over a set of planning entities that contain an attribute which is a time series of fixed size. I want to add up all the time series and check that the sum is always below a certain threshold.
In Optaplanner, the constraint would look like:
public Constraint ResourceOverocupation(ConstraintFactory constraintFactory) {
return constraintFactory
.map(operation -> operation.resourceUsage)
// operation.resourceUsage is an Array of fixed size, representing a time series
// Now I want to add all the resourceUsage into an array of the same size.
// Then I want to count how many items of the array are bigger than a value X and
// add +1 to the score to optimize.
.penalize("Overocupation", HardMediumSoftScore.ONE_MEDIUM);
Outside Optaplanner, I guess the problem would be how to stream a list of objects, each of which contains a series of integers of the same size, and do an element-wise sum of these objects. This should result in a single list of the same size. It should be something like this...
Object object1;
ArrayList<int> array1 = Arrays.asList(1, 1, 1);
object1.ArrayOfInts = array1;
Object object2;
ArrayList<int> array2 = Arrays.asList(2, 2, 2);
object2.ArrayOfInts = array2;
ArrayList<Object> listOfObjects = Arrays.asList(object1, object2);
ArrayList<Integer> result = -> object.ArrayOfInts).sum(...
"result" would be [3, 3, 3].
Any help is welcome!
MyObject object1 = new MyObject();
object1.arrayOfInts = Arrays.asList(1, 1, 1);
MyObject object2 = new MyObject();
object2.arrayOfInts = Arrays.asList(2, 2, 2);
List<MyObject> listOfObjects = Arrays.asList(object1, object2);
List<Integer> sumList = IntStream.range(0, listOfObjects.get(0).arrayOfInts.size())
.mapToObj(i ->
.mapToInt(l -> l.arrayOfInts.get(i))
Having MyObject to simply be:
public class MyObject {
List<Integer> arrayOfInts;
just for the purpose of compiling and testing, but you can adapt to your solution