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LWC Parent-to-Child communication issue

I'm working with two lwc components. Both have a relationship parent-child. In my parent.js I wire an Apex class which contains an objects array:


// imports...

export default class MyParent.js extends LightningElement {


    @wire(getProjectsForYear, { consultantId: '$consultantId', year: 2023 })

    wiredProjectIdsForYear({ data, error }) {

        if (data) {

            this.currentUserProjects = data;

        } else if (error) {




this.currentUserProjects retrieves the following object list:

        "Name": "Test Session 1",
        "test__Client__c": "Test Session 1",
        "test__Start_Time__c": 32400000,
        "test__End_Time__c": 36000000,
        "test__Start_Date__c": "2023-03-08",
        "test__End_Date__c": "2023-03-08",
        "test__ID__c": "ID 215119",
        "Virtual_Session_Link__c": "",
        "Id": "a0g59000000f21AAA"

In my parent.html:


    <c-my-child-component projects={currentUserProjects}></c-my-child-component>


In my child.js:

// imports..

export default class MyChildComponent extends LightningElement {

    @api projects;


    connectedCallback() {




The problem is that console.log(this.projects); at my child.js retrieves me an 'undefined' in the console while console.log(this.currentUserProjects); at parent.js retrieves me the data correctly.

I tried defining another random variable and printing it at my child.js and works, so I guess something is wrong with my this.currentUserProjects.

Hope someone could help with this.


  • SOLUTION: The problem was the child component was being rendered before my parent wire has returned the data, so I did the following:


      <template if:true={loadingcomplete}>
          <c-my-child-component projects={currentUserProjects}></c-my-child-component>


    // imports...
    export default class MyParent.js extends LightningElement {
        loadingcomplete = false;
        @wire(getProjectsForYear, { consultantId: '$consultantId', year: 2023 })
        wiredProjectIdsForYear({ data, error }) {
            if (data) {
                this.currentUserProjects = data;
                this.loadingcomplete = true;
            } else if (error) {

    The console.log in my child.js printed a me a Proxy {} so I did a parse to my data:

    connectedCallback() {
         const accounts = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.projects));

    Now the information is been printed in my child.js correctly. :) Hope this helps!