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When would a [[Prototype]] refers to a constructor [[Prototype]]: Constructor

While learning prototypical inheritance, I have seen the prototype referring to Array, Object or empty Function.

I am new to JavaScript programming (prototypical inheritance world) and when debugging SAPUI5 framework I have noticed the prototype is pointing to a constructor.

enter image description here

Could you please explain me in which scenario [[Prototype]] points to a constructor. Can [[Prototype]] point to any other apart from these 4 ( Array, Object, Empty Function and Constructor )?

More Info: If the function is a constructor function it should have a prototype property at the same level where it displays the [[Prototype]]

Constructor Function Example with prototype property and [[Prototype]]

prototype property missing


  • A [[prototype]] can point to any object (or null). What you're asking though is how that object is displayed in the devtools - see How does DevTools determine an object's constructor's name? and Javascript Debugging in Chrome - object name? - which uses the name of the function that constructed the object. It means that the prototype is an object or an array or a function, not actually the global Object/Array/Function. When you define your own classes, it'll be the name of that class, which can be anything. In your exampe, SAPUI5 appears to have defined its class(es) via function constructor() {}, which is unusual but doesn't matter.