Here's the thing i create a new instance of a class in a file then i'm trying to reference that specific instance in another file.
This is the initilization of the object in RegistroUI.
CuentaBancaria Cuenta = new CuentaBancaria(nombre);
This is my code trying to reference that same class in IngresoUI.
textBienvenido.setText("BIENVENID@ USUARIO" + Cuenta.getNombre());
All of this is in the same package and written in java. Please any idea will help :D
I can't create another object because it won't have the same values for attributes and i don't need to import because is already in the same package.
To reference an instance of an object, you need to pass it somehow into IngresoUI. For example via injection in constructor of IngresoUI.
CuentaBancaria cuenta;
IngresoUI(CuentaBancaria cuenta){
Another method is to inject IngresoUI into RegistroUI and then pass CuentaBancaria cuenta into some method of IngresoUI.
IngresoUI ingresoUI;
RegistroUI( IngresoUI ingresoUI){
this.ingresoUI = ingresoUI;
void someMethodOfRegistroUI(){ //Method where you create CuentaBancaria
int nobre = 10;
CuentaBancaria cuenta = new CuentaBancaria(nombre);
ingresoUI.someMethodOfIngresoUI(cuenta);//call a method of IngresoUI
//where you need CuentaBancaria cuenta;