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Can I highlight certain dates using a colour in the MudBlazor DatePicker?

I'm rewriting an ASP.NET WebForms App in Blazor and I would like to replace the Calendar Control with something like the MudBlazor DatePicker (or similar) - one essential feature I need is to be able to highlight certain dates using a colour. In the sample image below some dates need to be highlighted in red due to a condition such as a room not available.

ASP.NET WebForms Calendar Control with colour highlighting


I've looked through the MudBlazor documentation but don't see a way to achieve this.


  • You can do this using the AdditionalDateClassesFunc attribute on the MudDatePicker component. Here's a simple example that will turn the date red for specific days.

    <MudDatePicker Label="Color Dates" @bind-Date="SelectedDate" AdditionalDateClassesFunc="CheckDate"></MudDatePicker>
    @code {
        private DateTime? SelectedDate { get; set; }
        private List<DateTime> specialDates = new List<DateTime>
                new (2023, 3, 5),
                new (2023, 3, 15)
        private string CheckDate(DateTime date)
            // compare only the date portion to find a match
            return this.specialDates.Contains(date.Date) ? "special-day" : string.Empty;
        .special-day {
            color: red !important;