I have this string:
'newProductsInfo: [[1] - $2 dollars,[2] New Product,[3] Hello,[4]Same, [5]Value]'
The word 'newProductsInfo'
, and a space ' '
always precede the array of strings. I want to be able to return
[1] - $2 dollars
[2] New Product
[3] Hello
[4]Same, [5]Value //should be returned since the comma is followed by a space ' '
in the Regex101 site.
Currently, using (?<=newProductsInfo: \[)[^,\]]+
only returns [1
Edit: added possible return types in bubble plugin creator:
Your pattern (was tagged JavaScript) only matches [1
because the negated character class [^,\]]+
can not cross matching a comma or ]
If you want the matches only, you can assert newProductsInfo:
to the left followed by any character
Start the match with digits between square brackets up until either the next occurrence preceded by a comma, or the end of the string.
Using a lookbehind assertion (see the support) for it:
(?<=newProductsInfo: .*?)\[\d+].*?(?=,\[\d+]|$)
If you want to use PHP:
(?:newProductsInfo: \[|\G(?!^)),?\K[^,\n]+(?>,\h+[^,\n]+)*
Non capture group for the alternatives
newProductsInfo: \[
Match newProductsInfo: [
Assert the current position at the end of the previous match, not at the start)
Close the non capture group,?\K
Match an optional comma and forget what is matched so far[^,\n]+
Optionally repeat matching a comma, 1+ spaces and 1+ chars other than ,
or newline