I need to create JSON objects from clojure maps that store things like clojure vars. The base implementation throws this kind of error when it sees them:
java.lang.Exception: Don't know how to write JSON of class clojure.lang.Var
Can anybody point me to sample code on how to extend the capabilities of the JSON writer?
Well, I figured out the answer. There's another SO question that answers it partially: How to map clojure code to and from JSON?
But here's the code that worked for me:
(defn- write-json-clojure-lang-var [x #^PrintWriter out]
(.print out (json-str (str x))))
(extend clojure.lang.Var clojure.contrib.json/Write-JSON
{:write-json write-json-clojure-lang-var})
Note that all I wanted to do is just render a string version of which Var I'm referring to. You could, of course, do many other things...