I have a a JSON string as :
"personId": "person1",
"userId": "user1"
"details": [
"homeId": "home1",
"expireAt": "2023-03-08T15:17:04.506Z"
public class MyResponse {
private String personId;
private String userId;
private List<Details> details;
public class Details {
private String homeId;
private Instant expireAt;
I am trying to deserialize the JSON String
to MyResponse
as :
Gson().fromJson(string, MyResponse.class)
but getting the below expcetion for expireAt
Expected BEGIN_OBJECT but was STRING at line 1 column 24 path $.details[0].expireAt
How can I resolve this ?
The exception you're getting is because the "expireAt" field in the JSON is a string, but in the Details class it's declared as an Instant type. You need to tell Gson how to convert the string to an Instant.
You can create a custom Gson deserializer for the Instant type, like this:
public class InstantDeserializer implements JsonDeserializer<Instant> {
public Instant deserialize(JsonElement json, Type typeOfT, JsonDeserializationContext context) throws JsonParseException {
return Instant.parse(json.getAsString());
Then, you can register this deserializer with Gson before parsing the JSON string:
Gson gson = new GsonBuilder()
.registerTypeAdapter(Instant.class, new InstantDeserializer())
MyResponse response = gson.fromJson(string, MyResponse.class);