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How to change the list of objects inside the map using streams?

Got two maps

Map<String, TConfig> configMaps= new HashMap<>();
Map<String, List<Issue>> issuesMap= new HashMap<>();

public class TConfig {
  private String teamId;
  private String teamName;

public class Issue {
  private String issueId;
  private String teamId;

Both the maps using teamId as the key.


I would like to set the teamId property inside the list of Issue objects present in the second map issuesMap from the teamId present as key in the first map configsMap.


I tried it but not failing.

  .forEach(teamId -> issuesMap.values().stream()
       .filter(tid -> teamId.equals(tid))
       .forEach(is-> is.teamId=teamId)


  1. How do I set it using the streams API instead of traditional for loops?
  2. Can someone tell me what is wrong here?


  • Mapping each team to their issues

    You can use objects as keys, as Basil suggested.

    Then Map<String, TConfig> configMaps= new HashMap<>(); is maybe not needed at all.

    public class Team {  // renamed from TConfig
      private String teamId;
      private String teamName;
    // given
    Map<Team, List<Issue>> issuesByTeam = new HashMap<>();

    Now I see two use-cases to change the values of this map:

    1. the issue-list is not mapped correctly to the team, some issues belong to foreign teams
    2. the issue-list was somehow distributed to teams, so that the issues inside the list (value) need to be updated with the related team (key)

    (1) Suppose your issue-list is not yet mapped correctly

    That map's values are each a list of issues. However, those List<Issues> may contain foreign issues - foreign because not all issues belong to the respective team from respective key. Then you can filter out the foreign issues, to get only team-related ones:

    for (final Team team : issuesByTeam.keySet()) {  // team must be final to use in lambda later
        List<Issue> unmappedIssues = issuesByTeam.get(team);  // suppose they are not correctly mapped yet
        // filtering
        List<Issue> issuesForTeam =
            .filter(issue -> team.equals(issue.getTeamId()))  // only issues matching the team
        issuesByTeam.put(team, issuesForTeam);

    You could also iterate over each entry using:

    for (Map.Entry<Team, List<Issue>> entry : issuesForTeam.entrySet()) {
        final Team team = entry.getKey();
        List<Issue> unmappedIssues = entry.getValue();
        // filter like above

    (2) assign the team from key to each issue in value's list

    for (Map.Entry<Team, List<Issue>> entry : issuesForTeam.entrySet()) {
        final Team team = entry.getKey();
        List<Issue> unassignedIssues = entry.getValue();
        // assign the team to each issue
            issue -> issue.setTeamId(team.getTeamId())

    Here you don't need a stream, List implements forEach method of interface Iterable directly.

    See also

    Following tutorials from Baeldung may help: