I have a Trade
class with 3 parameters (amount
, description
, date
). The amount
of each trade cannot be greater than maxAmount
I have many trades saved in a ListToSend
, and some of the amounts exceed the maxAmount
limit, so I need to split those trades into multiple trades before sending the list.
I thought about working with two lists, my original ListToSend
and a tradesToSplit
Basically I want to:
from ListToSend
to tradesToSplit
and for every trade in there :
that is going to divide the amount by 2 and:
is not greater than maxAmount
, which is essentially a deep copy of the initial trade, and I set the newTrade
amount to be originalAmount/2
But I'm stuck here as I have no idea how to edit the original trade after many iteration of recursiveMethod
Is there a better way to achieve what I'm trying to do ?
in OOP it is recommended to keep objects immutable because immutable objects are inherently thread-safe, easier to debug (you can share the object reference without worrying about unexpected or unauthorized changes), etc.
In your case I would create a function splitTrade
that would take a trade of any amount
and return a list of trade where each amount
is less than maxAmount
Here is some pseudo java code:
private List<Trade> splitTrade(Trade trade, List<Trade> acc) {
if (trade.getAmount() > Trade.MAX_AMOUNT) {
Trade trade1 = new Trade(Trade.MAX_AMOUNT, trade.getDescription(), trade.getDate());
Trade trade2 = new Trade(trade.getAmount() - Trade.MAX_AMOUNT, trade.getDescription(), trade.getDate());
return splitTrade(trade2, acc);
} else {
return acc;
public List<Trade> splitAllTrades(List<Trade> listToSend) {
return listToSend.stream().flatMap((t) -> splitTrade(t, new ArrayList<Trade>()).stream().toList();
without the lambda syntax:
public List<Trade> splitAllTrades(List<Trade> listToSend) {
List<Trade> validTrades = new ArrayList<>();
for (Trade trade: listToSend) {
validTrades.addAll(splitTrade(trade, new ArrayList<Trade>()));
return validTrades;