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Clickhouse MaterializedView not getting populated

I'm trying to create a Materialized view on Clickhouse which is a join on two other tables. The definitions for the tables are shown below:

CREATE TABLE t1(tId String, tName String, timestamp DateTime) ENGINE = MergeTree ORDER BY timestamp;
CREATE TABLE t2(sId String, sName String, sLength Int64, timestamp DateTime) ENGINE = MergeTree ORDER BY timestamp; 

CREATE TABLE jt (`timestamp` DateTime,`tId` String CODEC(ZSTD(1)),`sName` String,`sLength` Int64,`tName` String) ENGINE = MergeTree PARTITION BY toDate(timestamp) ORDER BY timestamp;

CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW jt_mv TO jt (`timestamp` DateTime,`tId` String CODEC(ZSTD(1)), `sName` String,`sLength` Int64,`tName` String ) AS SELECT t1.timestamp AS timestamp, t1.tId AS tId, t1.tName AS tName, t2.sName AS sName, t2.sLength AS sLength FROM (SELECT timestamp,tId,tName FROM t1 ) AS t1 INNER JOIN (SELECT tId, sName, sLength, timestamp FROM t2) AS t2 ON t1.tId = t2.tId

All tables and view are created correctly, and as expected there's no data in any tables. Now I insert data into the t1 and t2 tables

insert into t1 values ('1', 'First', NOW());
insert into t1 values ('2', 'Second', NOW());
insert into t2 values ('1', 'First 1', 5, NOW());
insert into t2 values ('1', 'First 2', 5, NOW());
insert into t2 values ('2', 'Second 1', 10, NOW());

This inserts data into t1 and t2 correctly, but when I look at the materialized view, there's no data in it.

SELECT count(*)

2 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.005 sec.

SELECT count(*)

3 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.006 sec.

SELECT count(*)

0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.004 sec.

SELECT count(*)
FROM jt_mv

0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.003 sec.

I'm unsure why this is the case. Am I missing something with how MVs work in Clickhouse? Can anyone help or point me to the documentation? I've been following this, but it's not working with the join MV.


  • MatView is an on insert trigger, it's triggered by insertion into the most left table (in the from section).