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VBA Chart resize code not working with error: the shape is locked and cannot be resized

I have finally found a code that meets my needs to create a chart (Code below). However I have two problems with that:

1- Worst thing is that every time I run the code it makes 2 sheets on my workbook. One contains a blank chart frame and one contains the chart itself. The latter, thanks to the code becomes hidden but anyways, after 5 times running the code I have 10 new sheets on my workbook that have to go and delete all of them. (This is now solved in comments below the post)

2- I can not resize it with any resizing code that I tried. Here I have .ChartArea.Height and .ChartArea.Width which gives me the error: the shape is locked and cannot be resized.

Is there any practical way to control the size really?

Private Sub CommandButton4_Click()


chartarray1 = Array(Val(UserForm1.TextBox6.Value), Val(UserForm1.TextBox7.Value))
chartarray2 = Array("methane", "carbon")

Dim mychart As Chart
Dim fname As String

Set mychart = Charts.Add
With mychart
.SeriesCollection(1).Name = "emissions"
.SeriesCollection(1).XValues = chartarray2
.SeriesCollection(1).values = chartarray1
.ChartType = xlBarClustered
    .ChartArea.Height = 107
    .ChartArea.Width = 167
.ChartStyle = 6
End With

ActiveChart.Export "C:\Users\shsy\chart1.jpg"

f = activesheet.Name
ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.Visible = False

fname = "C:\Users\shsy\chart1.jpg"
UserForm1.Image1.Picture = LoadPicture(fname)

End Sub

Thanks in advance for your help.


  • Please, try the next way. It adds a chart on the active sheet, gives the possibility to play with its dimensions, save its picture and use it to place on the UserForm1.Image1.Picture, then delete the added chart:

    Private Sub CommandButton4_Click()
      Dim sh As Worksheet, chartarray1, chartarray2, mychart As chart, fname As String
      chartarray1 = Array(val(UserForm1.TextBox6.Value), val(UserForm1.TextBox7.Value))
      chartarray2 = Array("methane", "carbon")
     Set sh = ActiveSheet
     Set mychart = sh.ChartObjects.Add(left:=1, top:=10, width:=300, height:=200).chart 'play here with the chart dimensions
     With mychart
        .SeriesCollection(1).name = "emissions"
        .SeriesCollection(1).XValues = chartarray2
        .SeriesCollection(1).Values = chartarray1
        .ChartType = xlBarClustered
            .ChartArea.height = 107
            .ChartArea.width = 167
        .ChartStyle = 6
     End With
     fname = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\chart1.jpg"
     ActiveChart.Export fname
     UserForm1.Image1.Picture = LoadPicture(fname)
     'delete the created chart:
    End Sub

    It now, saves the picture on ThisWorkbook (keeping this code) path. You can change it as you want.

    And it is good to declare all used variables. Such a habit will save you from a lot of troubles in the future...