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How to make button to be visible whole time and not to work only on click?

<v-card :style="{ textAlign: 'left' }" class="basic-card pa-6" 
    :class="{ 'small-padding': !$vuetify.breakpoint.xl }"
      elevation="0" flat :height="windowHeight - 104 + 'px'" outlined align="start" justify="start">
        <v-row class="mt-0">
            <v-col cols="12" class="pt-0">
                <v-tabs v-model="eventTabs" center-active class="mx-0" grow>
                    <v-tab v-for="(tab, index) in eventAssets" :key="index"
                       :class="{ 'mr-1': index < (eventAssets.length - 1) }" class="pa-0 text-none">
                        <v-badge v-if="tab == 'Tasks' && uncompletedTasksNumber > 0" color="error"
                            :content="uncompletedTasksNumber" tile>
                            {{ tab }}
                        <div v-else>
                            {{ tab }}

I tried a few changes but had no result, whole time if You want to see the counter(v-badge), You need to click on the button "Tasks" which is not what I want. We want to see it without any action.

Before clicking, when we want to see that counter:

When I click on the button "Tasks"


  • Your example should work as is, only two tiny modifications are needed. First, put {{ tab }} outside of v-badge because it is not part of v-badge. Second, use inline prop which will move the badge to inline with the wrapping element, i.e tab element.

    Here is a demo-

    const { createApp } = Vue
    const { createVuetify } = Vuetify
    const vuetify = createVuetify()
    const app = createApp({
      data: () => ({
        eventTabs: true,
        uncompletedTasksNumber: 10,
        eventAssets: ["Tasks", "Options"],
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet">
    <div id="app">
          :style="{ textAlign: 'left' }"
          class="basic-card pa-6"
          <v-row class="mt-0">
            <v-col cols="12" class="pt-0">
              <v-tabs v-model="eventTabs" center-active class="mx-0" grow>
                  v-for="(tab, index) in eventAssets"
                  :class="{ 'mr-1': index < eventAssets.length - 1 }"
                  class="pa-0 text-none"
                  <div>{{ tab }}</div>
                    v-if="tab == 'Tasks' && uncompletedTasksNumber > 0"