I have multiple minions where I want to configure monitoring for our infrastructure. The probes and thresholds are configured in the grains of the minions, that is working fine.
Now I need to configure the monitoring server where I need to configure each minion with there IP, hostname and probes.
After some research I have found saltstack mine.get
function and playing around a little bit but I am stuck with the output I need.
For every node there will be a "host".cfg.bak file
{% set hostname = salt['mine.get']('nagios:enabled', 'hostname', tgt_type='grain') %}
{% for node in hostname %}
create node {{node}}:
- source: salt://nagios/files/templates/server/node.cfg.j2
- probedir: {{nagios.client_probes_path}}
- name: {{nagios.server_config}}{{node}}.cfg.bak
- host: {{node}}
- template: jinja
{% endfor %}
Inside the "host".cfg.bak file
{% set monitoring = salt['mine.get']('fqdn:' + host, 'monitoring', tgt_type='grain') %}
{% set ipv4 = salt['mine.get']('fqdn:' + host, 'ip', tgt_type='grain') %}
define host {
use linux-server
host_name {{host}}
alias {{host}}
address {{ipv4}}
max_check_attempts 5
check_period 24x7
notification_interval 30
notification_period 24x7
The results I get from ipv4 and monitoring are:
{'HOSTNAME': {'probe': {'check_apt': {'check_apt': {}}, 'check_swap': {'check_swap': {'c': '10%', 'w': '20%'}}, 'check_user': {'check_user': {'c': 10, 'w': 5}}, 'check_yum': {'check_yum': {}}, 'data_disk': {'check_disk': {'c': '2%', 'p': '/data', 'w': '5%'}}, 'root_disk': {'check_disk': {'c': '2%', 'p': '/', 'w': '5%'}}}}}
I am only interested in the second element of both ipv4 and monitoring.
Have tried multiple things like {{monitoring[1]}}
but I receive the error that element 1 is not there.
Hope someone can give me some directions or maybe there is a other way to get the grains from multiple minion. unfortunately need to use nagios for the time being.
Those are dicts, not lists.
returns data from all matching minions, keyed by their minion id.
If you're only expecting one result, you can get it via:
{% set value = salt["mine.get"](tgt, fun).values() | first %}