I'm making search logic. And I'm using debounce also to avoid sending too many API requests. I want to reset input value. But i dont know how to clear input value using debounce. help me.
import { useRef, useState } from "react";
import { debounce } from "lodash";
import "./styles.css";
export default function App() {
const [text, setText] = useState("");
const debounceOnChange = debounce((search) => {
}, 500);
const onChangeInput = (event) => {
const search = event.target.value;
const inputRef = useRef(null);
const onClickReset = () => {
// inputRef?.current?.value = "";
return (
<div className="App">
<input type="text" onChange={onChangeInput} ref={inputRef} />
<button onClick={onClickReset}>reset</button>
<br />
This is my codesandbox example. https://codesandbox.io/s/autumn-darkness-qsh9jf?file=/src/App.js
when click reset button, input value should be cleared
I think you don't need to use debounce method
for your better understanding, I made a code sandbox example for you
check out this https://codesandbox.io/s/confident-bohr-vlgggj?file=/src/App.js:0-870