I adding custom CodeLenseProvider to my React Monaco Editor, which works great in general:
provideCodeLenses(model: monaco.editor.ITextModel, token: monaco.CancellationToken): monaco.languages.ProviderResult<monaco.languages.CodeLensList> {
const lenses: monaco.languages.CodeLens[] = [];
return {
dispose: () => {},
The problem is that my method getLenses
is time consuming and asynchronous. Ideally I'd like to e.g. fetch some data when provideCodeLenses
is called, or even better, I'd like to be able to call provideCodeLenses
manually refresh the lenses.
The steps would be:
listetener on<MonacoEditor onChange={onChange} .../>
is doing some async actionHow can I achieve that? I know code lense provider has onDidChange
property but it is not really clear to me how to use it or if it helps my case
By exploring codelensController.js
to schedule code lens update manually, you have to use onDidChange
function that will be called once during initialization of the provider with the argument being a function which can be called to signal for the update.
let scheduleCodeLensUpdate: () => void;
languages.registerCodeLensProvider("[language]", {
onDidChange(cb) {
// types are incorrect, the function doesn't actually take any arguments
scheduleCodeLensUpdate = cb as any;
return {
dispose() {}
provideCodeLenses(model, token) { /*...*/ }
// do something
// trigger code lens update