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Oracle SQL: How to Sum groups with total of all groups

What I am trying to do is basically manufacture a Sum of sums that only really makes sense when pivoted.

I am trying to analyze total system degradation, but also see it as Down and Degraded as separate call outs - this is where I am having trouble. In addition, if there was no value for a given period, it's assumed to be 0. I am trying to create a fictitious sum(a) + sum(b) column and I don't know how to do this

Here is the data, as it exists in the DB, when sum is applied on each category (I've explicitly introduced a year jump, and null values for impact are categorized as 'TBD'):

So, summary by week looks like:

2022 50 2 - Degraded 175
2022 51 1 - Down 70
2022 51 2 - Degraded 522
2023 1 1 - Down 460
2023 1 2 - Degraded 1258
2023 2 1 - Down 58
2023 2 2 - Degraded 98

But, here is what I am shooting for:

CY WEEK 0 - TBD 2 - Degraded 1 - Down Total
2022 50 0 175 0 175
2022 51 0 522 70 592
2023 1 0 1258 460 1718
2023 2 0 98 58 156

Sample data:

    cy               INT          NOT NULL,
    week             INT          NOT NULL,
    IMPACT           VARCHAR2(12) NOT NULL,
    duration_minutes NUMBER       NOT NULL

INSERT INTO my_table(CY, WEEK, IMPACT, DURATION_MINUTES) VALUES (2022, 50, '2 - Degraded', 42);
INSERT INTO my_table(CY, WEEK, IMPACT, DURATION_MINUTES) VALUES (2022, 50, '2 - Degraded', 88);
INSERT INTO my_table(CY, WEEK, IMPACT, DURATION_MINUTES) VALUES (2022, 50, '2 - Degraded', 45);
INSERT INTO my_table(CY, WEEK, IMPACT, DURATION_MINUTES) VALUES (2022, 51, '1 - Down', 70);
INSERT INTO my_table(CY, WEEK, IMPACT, DURATION_MINUTES) VALUES (2022, 51, '2 - Degraded', 86);
INSERT INTO my_table(CY, WEEK, IMPACT, DURATION_MINUTES) VALUES (2022, 51, '2 - Degraded', 220);
INSERT INTO my_table(CY, WEEK, IMPACT, DURATION_MINUTES) VALUES (2022, 51, '2 - Degraded', 216);
INSERT INTO my_table(CY, WEEK, IMPACT, DURATION_MINUTES) VALUES (2023, 1, '1 - Down', 29);
INSERT INTO my_table(CY, WEEK, IMPACT, DURATION_MINUTES) VALUES (2023, 1, '1 - Down', 62);
INSERT INTO my_table(CY, WEEK, IMPACT, DURATION_MINUTES) VALUES (2023, 1, '1 - Down', 369);
INSERT INTO my_table(CY, WEEK, IMPACT, DURATION_MINUTES) VALUES (2023, 1, '2 - Degraded', 58);
INSERT INTO my_table(CY, WEEK, IMPACT, DURATION_MINUTES) VALUES (2023, 1, '2 - Degraded', 42);
INSERT INTO my_table(CY, WEEK, IMPACT, DURATION_MINUTES) VALUES (2023, 1, '2 - Degraded', 277);
INSERT INTO my_table(CY, WEEK, IMPACT, DURATION_MINUTES) VALUES (2023, 1, '2 - Degraded', 881);
INSERT INTO my_table(CY, WEEK, IMPACT, DURATION_MINUTES) VALUES (2023, 2, '1 - Down', 40);
INSERT INTO my_table(CY, WEEK, IMPACT, DURATION_MINUTES) VALUES (2023, 2, '1 - Down', 18);
INSERT INTO my_table(CY, WEEK, IMPACT, DURATION_MINUTES) VALUES (2023, 2, '2 - Degraded', 98);


And here is the select that produces the unpivoted data:

       SUM(duration_minutes) AS duration_minutes
  FROM my_table
 GROUP BY cy, week, impact
 ORDER BY cy, week, impact;


  • You can use Conditional Sum Aggregation while removing the column impact from GROUP BY list such as

    SELECT cy, week, 
           SUM(CASE WHEN impact IS NULL THEN duration_minutes ELSE 0 END) AS "0 - TBD",
           SUM(CASE WHEN impact = '2 - Degraded' THEN duration_minutes ELSE 0 END) AS "2 - Degraded",
           SUM(CASE WHEN impact = '1 - Down' THEN duration_minutes ELSE 0 END) AS "1 - Down",
           SUM(duration_minutes) AS duration_minutes
      FROM my_table
     GROUP BY cy, week
     ORDER BY 1, 2
