I have a project that use Jenkinsfile to do some tasks, one of them is generate build version of project with the version on .jar file name.
Using Java 8 and build.gradle i was doing like this
ext {
buildVersion = '1.0.0'
task readImageVersion() {
doLast {
new File("image.version").text = "Version=${buildVersion}"
Read this file to get version on Jenkinsfile
script {
def props = readProperties file: 'image.version'
def version = props['Version']
Now i'm using Java 17 and build.gradle.kts and i can't find a way to do something like this. Can someone help?
I thy to do something like this, but miserable fails
task("readImageVersion") {
File.createTempFile(version as String, ".txt")
The build.gradle.kts
equivalent of the build.gradle
snippet in the question would be something like below:
extra.apply {
set("buildVersion", "1.0.0")
tasks.register("readImageVersion") {
doLast {