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C++ Project: converting a interger into a double

Hi to all I am new to programming with C++, and I have been assigned a project where I have to build a program that calculates the average birthrate & death rate percentage of a population. I am currently stuck on this step where I need to convert an integer value into a double value to get the correct output. For example, a function for finding the birthrate would be (births/population) and since dividing integers it causes the floating point number to be truncated giving me a result of 0 instead of getting (10/100 which would equal 0.1). I understand that I have declared integers, but that is the requirement. I have thought about typecasting but had no luck converting the value. I apologize for the long explanation I hope it makes sense. Thank you in advance!

This is the following criteria:

  1. private variables: have to be integers (population, births, deaths)

  2. public functions:

  • default constructor with no parameters, initialize (population = 2), (births & deaths = 0)
  • constructor with three parameters. The constructor should pass the population, the number of births, and deaths for the Population object.
  1. "Set" member function for each of the three-member variables. If a population figure is less than 2 and is passed to the class, use a default value of 2. If a birth or a death figure less than 0 is passed, use a default value of 0.

  2. getBirthrate member function. calculates the birth rate based on the following formula: (Birthrate = Number of births/population)

  3. getDeathrate member function. calculates the death rate based on the following formula: (Deathrate = Number of deaths/ population)

    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>
    #include <iomanip>
    using namespace std;
    //  Population class declaration
    class Population
        int population, births, deaths;
        // default constructor: with no parameters
            population = 2;
            births = 0;
            deaths = 0;
        // constructor
        Population(int p, int b, int d)
            population = p;
            births = b;
            deaths = d;
        // birthrate member function
        int getBirthrate();
        // deathrate member function
        int getDeathrate();
        void setPopulation(int);
        void setBirth(int);
        void setDeath(int);
        int getPopulation();
        int getBirth(int);
        int getDeaths(int);
    // member functions
    void Population::setPopulation(int p)
        if (population < 2)
            population = 2;
            cout << "Error: Invalid population input!" << endl;
            population = p;
    void Population::setBirth(int b)
        if (births < 0)
            births = 0;
            cout << "Error: Invalid births input!" << endl;
            births = b;
    void Population::setDeath(int d)
        if (deaths < 0)
            deaths = 0;
            cout << "Error: Invalid deaths input!" << endl;
            deaths = d;
    int Population::getPopulation()
        return population;
    int Population::getBirth(int)
        return births;
    int Population::getDeaths(int)
        return deaths;
    // calculating functions
    int Population::getBirthrate()
        return births / population;
    int Population::getDeathrate()
        return deaths / population;
    // main function
    int main()
        // instantiation of a population object
        Population x;
        int xBirths, xDeaths, xPopulation;
        // getting the values
        cout << "What is the population: " << endl;
        cin >> xPopulation;
        cout << "What is the number of births: " << endl;
        cin >> xBirths;
        cout << "What are the number of deaths: " << endl;
        cin >> xDeaths;
        // set functions
        // calculating the values
        cout << "The population is: " << x.getPopulation() << endl;
        cout << "The birthrate is: " << x.getBirthrate() << endl;
        cout << "The deathrate is: " << x.getDeathrate() << endl;
        return 0;


  • I would guess that you have two problems

    int Population::getDeathrate()
        return deaths / population;

    The first is, as you've identified, you are doing integer division. You can solve that with a type cast. The second problem is that your function returns an integer, when it seems from the question above that you want a floating point result, e.g. 10/100 = 0.1. The solution to that problem is to change the return type to double.

    So, putting both of those together

    double Population::getDeathrate()
        return (double)deaths / (double)population;