I have my column bind on the grid as follows:
columns.Bound(p => p.LastName)
.ClientTemplate($"#=IsSpecialPerson ? 'Special Message' : ''##=LastName#")
And now I have to add middle name with a space to the last name column if exists. I have tried the following, but no luck.
columns.Bound(p => p.LastName)
.ClientTemplate($"#=IsSpecialPerson ? 'Special Message' : ''##=LastName# ##= MiddleName != null ? MiddleName : ''#")
I am getting invalid template error on the html.
A quick way to check your template is to count the number of #'s. It should be an even number. If I write your template over separate lines it is easier to see where the problem is:
#=IsSpecialPerson ? 'Special Message' : ''#
##= MiddleName != null ? MiddleName : ''# // You have 3 #'s here
May I suggest this:
#=IsSpecialPerson ? 'Special Message' : ''#
#if (data.MiddleName != null) {# // I forget if the data prefix is needed here or not
Put that all into one line and it should give you the result you are looking for.