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pivot columns with irregular names into rows

Using R how do I pivot the columns into rows to get the required structure in df3 from df2, while extracting new information from the previous dataframe:

df2<- structure(list(A=c("A_1_01", "A_1_01", "A_1_01"), B=c("A", "A", "A"), C=c("1", "1", "1"), D=c("inside", "eating", "sleeping"), "1"=c("1","1","0"), "2"=c("1","0","0"), "3"=c("0","0","1"), "4"=c("0","1","1"), "1_Location"=c("I","I", "I"), "2_Location"=c("I","I", "I"), "3_Location"=c("O","O", "O"), "4_Location"=c("O","O", "O")), class= "data.frame", row.names = c(NA,-3L))
df3<- structure(list(H=c("1","2","3","4","1","2","3","4","1","2","3","4"),
                     A=c("A_1_01", "A_1_01", "A_1_01","A_1_01", "A_1_01",
                         "A_1_01","A_1_01", "A_1_01", "A_1_01","A_1_01",
                         "A_1_01", "A_1_01"),
                     B=c("A", "A", "A","A", "A", "A","A", "A", "A","A", "A", "A"),
                     C=c("1", "1", "1","1", "1", "1","1", "1", "1","1", "1", "1"),
                class= "data.frame", row.names = c(NA,-12L))

Thank you


  • Try with pivot_longer after adding a suffix '_Value' to the digit only column names

    df2 %>% 
     rename_with(~ str_c(.x, "_Value"), matches("^\\d+$")) %>% 
     pivot_longer(cols = contains("_"), names_to  = c("H", ".value"), 
        names_pattern = "(\\d+)_(.*)")


    # A tibble: 12 × 7
       A      B     C     D        H     Value Location
       <chr>  <chr> <chr> <chr>    <chr> <chr> <chr>   
     1 A_1_01 A     1     inside   1     1     I       
     2 A_1_01 A     1     inside   2     1     I       
     3 A_1_01 A     1     inside   3     0     O       
     4 A_1_01 A     1     inside   4     0     O       
     5 A_1_01 A     1     eating   1     1     I       
     6 A_1_01 A     1     eating   2     0     I       
     7 A_1_01 A     1     eating   3     0     O       
     8 A_1_01 A     1     eating   4     1     O       
     9 A_1_01 A     1     sleeping 1     0     I       
    10 A_1_01 A     1     sleeping 2     0     I       
    11 A_1_01 A     1     sleeping 3     1     O       
    12 A_1_01 A     1     sleeping 4     1     O