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How to apply CSS style in scoped shadow object using Vue3?

I have this sample code:

     #shadow-root (open)
     <a href="#"></a>
<style scoped lang="scss">
    :deep(a) {
     outline:1px red solid;

But the style does not apply. I tried with scoped and slotted but no results. How can apply a style to the anchor? Thank you.




<style scoped lang="scss">
.custom-button {
  :deep(a) {
    outline: 3px red solid;


   <a href="#">Link</a>
export default {
  name: 'custom-button',

This does not work using Tolbxela demo.



    Yes, it does not work for the second sample. I am not really sure why, but I suppose, that the scoped CSS will be applied only at the App level.

    But why not do it simpler and just put the style directly into the custom-button.vue?

       <a href="#">Link</a>
    export default {
      name: 'custom-button',
    <style scoped>
    a {
      outline: 3px red solid;

    It does work well this way. Here is the updated Codesandbox

    Or you can do something like this

     <div class="wrapper">
    <style scoped lang="scss">
     .wrapper > a {
        outline: 3px red solid;

    At first, there should be one curly bracket more in the style.

    <style scoped lang="scss">
      .custom-button {
        :deep(a) {
          outline:3px red solid;

    Then, if you omit all custom elements, the code works as intended.

        <button class="custom-button">
         #shadow-root (open)
         <a href="#">Link</a>

    The result

    Here is the Codesandbox