In the below code the caller needs to supply two types to the function template. This works fine however there is a correlation between the types 'RT' and 'Type'. A simple example; if RT is 'Maritime' then Type is always 'NM'. So I am thinking the 'Type' is a bit redundant and maybe it could be removed? How can I accomplish this?
template<typename RT, typename Type>
RT make_obj(Object obj)
return RT(
A simple example; if RT is 'Maritime' then Type is always 'NM'
If there is a one to one relation then you can use a trait and remove the redundant argument:
template <typename RT> struct Type_from_RT;
template <> struct Type_from_RT<Maritime> { using type = NM; };
// more specializations for other RTs ...
// for convenience:
template <typename RT> using Type_from_RT_t = Type_from_RT<RT>::type;
template<typename RT>
RT make_obj(Object obj)
return RT(
Alternatively the RT
types could supply a type
member alias directly.