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Retrieve last string in KQL query output in Azure

I am running an KQL Query in Azure Resource Graph Explorer:

  | where type == '' and tags.CompanyTag =~ 'Company'
  | extend WANname = tostring(name)
  | extend VPNsite = tostring(properties.vpnSites)

And the output of this is


I only want the output to be the 'NAMEOFTHEWAN' out of the string.

My question is how to display the last string information of a KQL-query output?

My thought is to split each / into an Array and then run a follow-up query to show the last array value.


  • Retrieve last string in KQL query output in Azure And the output of this is {"id":"/subscriptions/companysubscriptionid/resourceGroups/companyresourcegroupname/providers/Microsoft.Network/vpnSites/NAMEOFTHEWAN"}] I only want the output to be the 'NAMEOFTHEWAN' out of the string.

    My output of id is :

    enter image description here

    As your ask was to get the end of output string:

    I have reproduced in my environment and Got Expected Results as below:

      | where type == '' 
      | extend WANname = tostring(name)
      | extend VPNsite = tostring(properties.vpnSites)
      | project id
      | extend idemo = split(id, '/') 
      | extend WAN = array_split(idemo, array_length(idemo) - 1)
      | project WAN[1]


    enter image description here

    I got the last String of Output and try to follow my code and you will get the result as I have got.