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Node.js mysql2 WHERE id in (?), [ids] returns array with one result

I have a static method getResults(insertIds) inside a class:

static async getResults(insertIds) {
  const [result] = await Driver.pool.execute(
    "SELECT * FROM test WHERE id in (?)",
  return result;

Driver.pool returns a pool instance that was created with mysql.createPool. I'm using mysql2 library for Node.

When I log the result of MyClass.getResults([6, 8, 10, 12].join(',')), I get an array with a single result (If I don't join the ids with a comma, I get 0 rows). If I run the same query using Query window in the MySQL Workbench, I get all 4 rows back:

SELECT * FROM test WHERE id in (6, 8, 10, 12);

What am I doing wrong? Using Windows.

Edit: this SO link does not answer my question. My issue is different, I pass the array like in the provided link, but it returns only a single element.


  • I found an answer. I should have used pool.query instead of pool.execute. You can read full explanation in this Mysql2 Github issue

    This is the way prepared statements work, I think we should document that better

    .execute() under the hood is doing prepare + execute commands