I've got a data table source, with various columns that could be either x or null. Depending on a hierarchy table, I would like to check the source whether it is filled out correctly, and if not maybe list the child to parent path where the data is incorrect.
The rule / check to be valid would be: if a child is x, all parents have to be x if a parent is x at least one child has to be x
I hope somebody is able to figure out, what I would like to achieve.
source = Table.FromRecords({
[Name="Jason", A="x", B="x", C="x", D="x", E="x", F="x", G=null, H="x", I=null, J=null, K=null, L="x", M=null],
[Name="Joe", A="x", B=null, C="x", D=null, E=null, F=null, G="x", H="x", I=null, J=null, K=null, L=null, M="x"],
[Name="Eddie", A="x", B=null, C="x", D=null, E=null, F="x", G=null, H="x", I=null, J="x", K=null, L=null, M=null],
[Name="Phil", A=null, B=null, C=null, D="x", E=null, F=null, G=null, H=null, I=null, J=null, K=null, L="x", M=null],
[Name="Thomas", A="x", B=null, C=null, D=null, E=null, F="x", G="x", H="x", I=null, J=null, K=null, L=null, M=null],
[Name="David", A="x", B=null, C=null, D=null, E="x", F="x", G=null, H=null, I=null, J=null, K=null, L=null, M=null],
[Name="Matthew", A=null, B="x", C=null, D=null, E=null, F=null, G=null, H=null, I=null, J=null, K="x", L=null, M=null]
hierarchy = Table.FromRecords({
[Column1 = "A", Hierarchy = {null}],
[Column1 = "B", Hierarchy = {"A"}],
[Column1 = "C", Hierarchy = {"A"}],
[Column1 = "D", Hierarchy = {"A", "C"}],
[Column1 = "E", Hierarchy = {"A", "C"}],
[Column1 = "F", Hierarchy = {"A"}],
[Column1 = "G", Hierarchy = {"A", "F"}],
[Column1 = "H", Hierarchy = {"A", "F"}],
[Column1 = "I", Hierarchy = {null}],
[Column1 = "J", Hierarchy = {"I"}],
[Column1 = "K", Hierarchy = {"I"}],
[Column1 = "L", Hierarchy = {"I", "K"}],
[Column1 = "M", Hierarchy = {"I", "K"}]
Here is a screenshot of some manual comparison:
Well, that was fun for once, assuming this works
(Updated Phil code input to match image)
let source = Table.FromRecords({
[Name="Jason", A="x", B="x", C="x", D="x", E="x", F="x", G=null, H="x", I=null, J=null, K=null, L="x", M=null],
[Name="Joe", A="x", B=null, C="x", D=null, E=null, F=null, G="x", H="x", I=null, J=null, K=null, L=null, M="x"],
[Name="Eddie", A="x", B=null, C="x", D=null, E=null, F="x", G=null, H="x", I=null, J="x", K=null, L=null, M=null],
[Name="Phil", A=null, B=null, C=null, D="x", E=null, F=null, G=null, H=null, I="x", J=null, K="x", L="x", M=null],
[Name="Thomas", A="x", B=null, C=null, D=null, E=null, F="x", G="x", H="x", I=null, J=null, K=null, L=null, M=null],
[Name="David", A="x", B=null, C=null, D=null, E="x", F="x", G=null, H=null, I=null, J=null, K=null, L=null, M=null],
[Name="Matthew", A=null, B="x", C=null, D=null, E=null, F=null, G=null, H=null, I=null, J=null, K="x", L=null, M=null]
hierarchy = Table.FromRecords({
[Column1 = "A", Hierarchy = {null}],
[Column1 = "B", Hierarchy = {"A"}],
[Column1 = "C", Hierarchy = {"A"}],
[Column1 = "D", Hierarchy = {"A", "C"}],
[Column1 = "E", Hierarchy = {"A", "C"}],
[Column1 = "F", Hierarchy = {"A"}],
[Column1 = "G", Hierarchy = {"A", "F"}],
[Column1 = "H", Hierarchy = {"A", "F"}],
[Column1 = "I", Hierarchy = {null}],
[Column1 = "J", Hierarchy = {"I"}],
[Column1 = "K", Hierarchy = {"I"}],
[Column1 = "L", Hierarchy = {"I", "K"}],
[Column1 = "M", Hierarchy = {"I", "K"}]
#"Unpivoted Other Columns" = Table.UnpivotOtherColumns(source, {"Name"}, "Attribute","Value"),
#"Grouped Rows" = Table.Group(#"Unpivoted Other Columns", {"Name"}, {{"data", each
let a = Table.NestedJoin(_, {"Attribute"}, hierarchy, {"Column1"}, "hierarchy", JoinKind.LeftOuter),
b = Table.ExpandTableColumn(a,"hierarchy", {"Hierarchy"}, {"David"}),
c = Table.ExpandListColumn(b, "David"),
d = Table.NestedJoin(c, {"David"}, c, {"Attribute"}, "Ron", JoinKind.LeftOuter),
e = Table.ExpandTableColumn(d, "Ron", {"Attribute"}, {"Peter"}),
f = Table.SelectRows(e, each ([David] <> null) and ([Peter] = null)),
g= Table.Group(f, {"Name","Attribute"}, {{"Concat", each Text.Combine([David],","), type text}}),
h = Table.AddColumn(g, "Custom", each [Attribute]&"->"&[Concat],type text),
i= try Table.Group( h, {"Name"}, {{"Concat", each Text.Combine([Custom],";"), type text}}) {0}[Concat] otherwise null
in i , type text }}),
#"Merged Queries" = Table.NestedJoin(source, {"Name"},#"Grouped Rows", {"Name"}, "table2", JoinKind.LeftOuter),
#"Expanded table2" = Table.ExpandTableColumn(#"Merged Queries", "table2", {"data"}, {"Errors"})
in #"Expanded table2"
you could delete last two steps if you just want the error list