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In C# Cake How to Read a Text File into List<string>?

Given a carriage return delimited text file say of folder names, how do I read this file into List in the Cake build system for C#?

When I try to use the File class, it complains that File(string) is a method, which is not valid given the context:

filePath filePath;
string fileContents = File.ReadAllText(filePath FullPath);

How would I write this so it works with Cake?


  • Cake has its own File class, so there's a namespace conflict where the compiler doesn't know which File class you want to use.

    You have to fully-qualify the type name in your call, to include the System.IO namespace:

    filePath filePath;
    string fileContents = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(filePath FullPath);

    You might also be interested in the Cake.FileHelpers addin which adds a set of aliases for Cake to help with simple file operations such as Reading, Writing and Replacing text.