Phoenix 1.7 generator comes with a modal in "CoreComponents". The instructions do not explain how to toggle it. I am not very good at working with Elixir Phoenix and I am trying to learn.
The base syntax is:
show >
The show attribute is what triggers the popup.
In JavaScript, to trigger a modal you typically have a boolean to toggle the "show" attribute value. In Elixir I have no idea how to do that nor do I know if that is the approach that is expected of the developer to make it work.
The documentation is here:
<.modal id="confirm-modal">
Are you sure?
JS commands may be passed to the `:on_cancel` and `on_confirm` attributes
for the caller to react to each button press, for example:
<.modal id="confirm" on_confirm={JS.push("delete")} on_cancel={JS.navigate(~p"/posts")}>
Are you sure you?
The example does not explicitly show the show attribute, In the working example below from the phoenix generator the show attribute is used.
:if={@live_action in [:new, :edit]}
id={ || :new}
I'm curious what the thought process is to think about this problem. Like I said, in JavaScript it's an Event Handler and a boolean.
The show attribute doesn't look like a string so I have no idea how to handle it dynamically.
Here's the answer. It's two lines of code. The ID is used and not the show attribute.
<button phx-click={show_modal("user-modal")}> Click me </button>