In my Spring Boot app, I have an entity relationship diagram as shown below and looking for a proper way for displaying inheritance on it. I have a look at dozens of pages, but could not find any example (most of them use different kind of diagrams).
Normally I use the annotations to show one-to-many- etc. relationships as shown between student-course and course-professor. But I am not sure it the arrows filled and empty is a proper way to display inheritance between User - Student and User - Professor.
How should I display inheritance properly for an ER Diagram (not class, etc.)?
The ER modeling technique typically does not include any inheritance feature. There are several ways to extend the technique, but there is no single way how you should model inheritance.
UML is a popular modeling language, which does not have the crow's foot notation as used in your example, but it does have an inheritance symbol. If you want to borrow that: it is like the arrow you have drawn between User and Student: an arrow with an empty triangle at the end, pointing from the special entity to the more general entity.