My custom control:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ContentView xmlns=""
<Frame BackgroundColor="Blue"
<RowDefinition Height="*" />
<ColumnDefinition Width="*" />
<ColumnDefinition Width="*" />
<ColumnDefinition Width="*" />
<Label Text="{Binding Source={x:Reference TimeCardEntryView}, Path=Day}"
HorizontalOptions="Start" VerticalOptions="Center" Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="0" />
<VerticalStackLayout VerticalOptions="Center" Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="1">
<Label Text="InTime" HorizontalOptions="Center" />
<Label Text="OutTime" HorizontalOptions="Center" />
<Label Text="TotalTime" HorizontalOptions="End" VerticalOptions="Center" Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="2" />
namespace OneCampus.Components;
public partial class TimeEntryCard : ContentView
// does this need to be "public static??"
public static readonly BindableProperty DayProperty = BindableProperty.Create(nameof(Day), typeof(string), typeof(TimeEntryCard), string.Empty);
public string Day
get => (string)GetValue(DayProperty);
set => SetValue(DayProperty, value);
public TimeEntryCard()
What I need:
I need the blue frame to be clickable so that whenever the user clicks on it, it should open a popup. How do I go about it? I am guessing creating a Clicked
property on the custom control, but I don't know where to begin.
use a Gesture Recognizer
NumberOfTapsRequired="1" />
then in your code behind
void OnTapGestureRecognizerTapped(object sender, EventArgs args)
you can also use Command
instead of Tapped
to specify a command in your VM instead of an event handler in your code behind