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In clojure how to partition an array of sorted integers into contiguous partitions?

I'd like to partition an array of sorted integers into contiguous partitions.

The following ruby:

[1,2,3,8,9,10,99].slice_when { |x, y| y > x + 1 }.to_a


[[1, 2, 3], [8, 9, 10], [99]]

How can I do this in clojure?

I tried using partition-by, but AFAIK it only takes one argument.


  • You have to save somewhere that previous element. In this case, you can do:

    (defn slice [coll]
      (let [prev (atom (first coll))]
        (->> coll
             (partition-by #(< (inc @prev) (reset! prev %))))))
    (slice [1 2 3 8 9 10 99])
    => ((1 2 3) (8 9 10) (99))

    If you also want to provide that function, you will have to write some reduce-based solution:

    (defn slice-when [pred coll]
      (->> coll
           (reduce (fn [acc current]
                     (if-let [previous (peek (peek acc))]
                       (if (pred previous current)
                         (conj acc [current])
                         (conj (pop acc) (conj (peek acc) current)))
                       (conj acc [current])))


    (slice-when (fn [x y] (> y (inc x))) 
                [1 2 3 8 9 10 99])
    => [[1 2 3] [8 9 10] [99]]