I have built a reactive form where the form gets built dependant of the data.
In my example a user selects an option from a <select>
this triggers a (change)
method that gets more data which may add more fields to the form via addControl
<div formArrayName="fields">
*ngFor="let item of fields; let i = index"
<!-- this could be anything -->
<input [type]="item.dataType" [formControlName]="item.displayName" />
Are there any better ways to have built this implementation to allow me to specify the type
and add an unknown formControlName
? Any help appreciated!
I'm getting an Error Cannot find control with path: 'fields -> linkTypeAttributeForm ->
Anybody know how to solve this?
You will want to change:
would be used for a nested FormGroup
that always has a fixed name, e.g.
const someForm = new FormGroup({
someControl: new FormControl(),
someNestedFormGroup: new FormGroup({
someNestedControl: new FormControl()
<form [formGroup]="someForm">
<ng-container formGroupName="someNestedFormGroup">
Because your linkTypeAttributeForm
isn't actually nested inside linkTypeForm
, it's effectively it's own top-level form, so it needs to be bound to the template as with other top-level forms, e.g. via [formGroup]