It's an e-commerce project using MERN stack. I'm trying to filter by category but it's the only one that doesnt'matches. For example, if I use find() to search by name it works, but white category says that the object doesn't have that property.
router.get("/category/:category", async (req, res) => {
const { category } = req.params;
try {
let products;
if (category == "all") {
products = await Product.find().sort([["date", 1]]);
} else {
products = await Product.find({ category: category });
// console.log(products)
} catch (e) {
_id: new ObjectId("63fe4acfeaff1da586c3076f"),
name: 'mtb',
description: 'mountain-bike',
price: '120000',
category: 'Mountain-Bike',
pictures: [ [Object] ],
__v: 0
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