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Why is countDocuments function in mongoose not reading a variable I put in?

I have a list called collectionList, and I am wanting to go through the object list and see if a document in my mongodb collection exists. If it doesn't exist, then it will create a new document for that list item. The new document name should be the same as the name in the object list.

Here is the list:

const collectionList = [
    { name: "pages", schema: pageSchema.pageSchema },
    { name: "posts", schema: postSchema.postSchema }

If there is not a document with the name equal to the collectionList[i].name, then I want mongoose to create a new document with the name.

Here is the section of the code that the bug is occurring in:

for (var i = 0; i < collectionList.length; i++) {
    var collectionName = collectionList[i].name
    console.log("collectionList name:",collectionName); // Outputs the collectionList[i].name to make sure it is working
    Collection.countDocuments({ name: collectionName })
        .then((data) => {
            if (data == null || data == 0 || data == false) {
                const newCollection = new Collection({
                    name: collectionName,
                    data: []
       => {
                    console.log('collection saved', collectionName)
                }).catch((err) => {
            } else {
                console.log("I found it, but I don't know what to do!")


        }).catch((err) => {

My mongodb collection is called Collection and it is empty, there are no documents in it. When I run it, it console logs collectionList name: pages then collectionList name: posts on line 3. When I look in my mongodb collection, the name in both document is posts. Why is it not creating the document with the name: pages? On line 13 when I console log the collectionName, both times it logs posts.


  • just correction and opinion:

    its a bit confused to use await and then in the same time. then its already promise. and please check the conditional if (data == null || data == 0 || data == false) { . use if(data) instead.

    following your description, you just need to use findAndUpdate, reff findOneAndUpdate

    if data not exist, then create a new one.

    that would be like:

    const collectionList = [
        { name: "pages", schema: pageSchema.pageSchema },
        { name: "posts", schema: postSchema.postSchema }
    const newCollection = new Collection()
    for (const key of collectionList) {
        await newCollection.findOneAndUpdate({name:}, {name:}, {upsert:true})

    or you can use BulkWrite and updateOne for better approach

    that would be like:

    const collectionList = [
        { name: "pages", schema: pageSchema.pageSchema },
        { name: "posts", schema: postSchema.postSchema }
    const data = => {
        return {
            updateOne: {
                filter: { name: },
                update: { name: },
                options: { upsert: true }
    const res = await newCollection.bulkWrite(data);