How can I concatenate a percent sign onto the the otperc (etc) field? I thought about adding it in the database call but I don't want to convert it to a string and not be able to sort it.
function addTable(data) {
var table = new Tabulator("#table", {
height:205, // set height of table (in CSS or here), this enables the Virtual DOM and improves render speed dramatically (can be any valid css height value)
data: data.rows, //assign data to table
layout:"fitColumns", //fit columns to width of table (optional)
columns:[ //Define Table Columns
{title:"Work Type", field:"WorkType"},
{title:"Total", field:"total"},
{title:"On Time", field:"otperc"}
Here's a sample of the data
data = [
{WorkType: 'ALTERNATIVE REPAIR', total: '47', otperc: 38},
{WorkType: 'BORING', total: '16182', otperc: 44}
I'd like the On Time numbers to indicate percentage:
According to this docs, you can write a custom formatter to alter how the data is displayed, without altering the underlying data. Example:
function addTable(data) {
var table = new Tabulator("#table", {
height:205, // set height of table (in CSS or here), this enables the Virtual DOM and improves render speed dramatically (can be any valid css height value)
data: data.rows, //assign data to table
layout:"fitColumns", //fit columns to width of table (optional)
columns:[ //Define Table Columns
{ title: "Work Type", field: "WorkType" },
{ title: "Total", field: "total" },
{ title: "On Time", field: "otperc", formatter: cell => cell.getValue() + "%" }