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How to multiply BigInt with float?

What I thought at first to be a simple problem turns out to be a brain teaser.

The problem I am trying to solve is:

  • I have two inputs provided as text
  • They both can be either a bigint or a float with many numbers of the decimal point
  • I need to multiply these numbers and produce result as a text (this seems like the only safe option)

Example inputs are:


What's the best way to approach solving this problem?


  • I think this should work. The idea is:

    1.- Converting the numbers to BigInt and saving the original number of decimals

    2.- Multiply both BigInts and restore the zeros you removed in step 1.

    It's important to note that the multiply function considers 4 cases:

    The first 3 cases are just meant to allow you to manage bigger integers, preventing any of them to become higher than the BigInt max length during the multiplications, and lower than 1 during the divisions.

    The forth case considers the case when the result would likely be a float, so BigInt can't be used anymore.

    Note 1: Remember to regex the inputs to prevent the user to add anything but digits and a single dot.

    Note 2: This snippet was successfully tested in Firefox and submitting the x,y and z values as plain strings. For some reason, this snippet thing does not manage well the BigInts.

    let x = toInt(document.getElementById("x").value.toString());
    let y = toInt(document.getElementById("y").value.toString());
    let z = toInt(document.getElementById("z").value.toString());
    /* getMultiplier rewritten as arrow function, thanks to Bergi */
    var getMultiplier = e => 10n ** BigInt(e)
    let xy = multiply(x, y)
    let xz = multiply(x, z)
    let yz = multiply(y, z)
    function multiply(a, b) {
        let multiplier = getMultiplier(a["dec"]) * getMultiplier(b["dec"])
        let ab;
        if ((a["int"] > b["int"]) && (a["int"].toString().length > multiplier.toString().length)) {
            ab = a["int"] / multiplier * b["int"]
        } else if ((b["int"] > a["int"]) && (b["int"].toString().length > multiplier.toString().length)) {
            ab = b["int"] / multiplier * a["int"]
        } else if ((b["int"].toString().length + a["int"].toString().length) > multiplier.toString().length) {
            ab = a["int"] * b["int"] / multiplier
        } else {
            let missing = multiplier.toString().length - (b["int"].toString().length + a["int"].toString().length) + 1
            ab = a["int"] * b["int"] * getMultiplier(missing) / multiplier
            /* This number can't be Integer anymore, so we transform the bigint into number */
            ab = Number(ab) / Number(getMultiplier(missing))
        return ab
    function toInt(e) {
        let eArray = e.split(".")
        let pair = [];
        pair["int"] = BigInt(eArray[0] + (eArray[1] ? eArray[1] : ""))
        pair["dec"] = (eArray[1] ? eArray[1].length : 0)
        return pair
    <input type="text" id="x" value="8958492893478927347298532876489239230849283">
    <input type="text" id="y" value="0.00000000000023432787489723234848392840923">
    <input type="text" id="z" value="327984234.4389057390485483859083482390849028390493037">