Search code examples

Offsetting to next non blank cell

I'm building a template that gets all needed input from an excel file that is selected by the user.

These excel files that the user selects generally have the same layout, however the data cannot be found on the exact same spot and each file contains random column merges, which makes it impossible to hard code the locations of the needed data. So I did create some loops, but these also do not work 100%.

To give you an example I have this user inputted excel file:

enter image description here

From this I need to retrieve the name of all card holders. I have written the following code to load these names into my template. It looks for the word "Naam" in a range in row 4 and then offsets this to get the names.

 Sub KlantInformatie(wsTemplate, wsKlantprofiel)
    Dim i, j As Range
    'Inladen accountnummer
    wsTemplate.Range("antAccountnummer").Value = wsKlantprofiel.Range("B2").Value
    'Zoeken en inladen van namen CH en ECH's
    For Each i In wsKlantprofiel.Range("C4:K4").Cells
    If i.Value = "Naam" Then
        With wsTemplate
            .Range("antNaamCH") = i.Offset(, 1).Value
            .Range("antNaamECH1") = i.Offset(, 6).Value
            .Range("antNaamECH2") = i.Offset(, 10).Value
            .Range("antNaamECH3") = i.Offset(, 11).Value
            .Range("antNaamECH4") = i.Offset(, 12).Value
            .Range("antNaamECH5") = i.Offset(, 13).Value
            .Range("antNaamECH6") = i.Offset(, 14).Value
            .Range("antNaamECH7") = i.Offset(, 15).Value
            .Range("antNaamECH8") = i.Offset(, 16).Value
            .Range("antNaamECH9") = i.Offset(, 17).Value
            .Range("antNaamECH10") = i.Offset(, 18).Value
        End With
    End If
Next i

However these offsets are not always correct because the data could be in a different column. So what I think I need is a code that offsets to the next non empty value. But I'm not sure how to do that.


  • I changed my code so it looks for the headers instead and then offsets these cells. Works much better:

        Sub KlantInformatie(wsTemplate, wsKlantprofiel)
        Dim i, j As Long
        Dim lCountECH As Long
        Dim wbSource As Workbook
        With wsKlantprofiel
        'Inladen accountnummer
        wsTemplate.Range("antAccountnummer").Value = wsKlantprofiel.Range("B2").Value
            'Vullen data hoofdcardhouder
                For i = 3 To 31
                    If Cells(2, i).Value = "1. Hoofdcardhouder" Then
                        wsTemplate.Range("antNaamCH") = .Cells(2, i).Offset(2).Value 'naam
                        wsTemplate.Range("antGebDatumCH") = .Cells(2, i).Offset(5).Value 'geboortedatum
                    End If
                Next i
            'tel aantal ECH
            lCountECH = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Range("D2:AE2"), "2. Extra-cardhouder")
            wsTemplate.Range("antAantalECH").Value = lCountECH
            'Data per ECH
            For i = 1 To lCountECH
                For j = 4 To 31
                    If .Cells(2, j).Value = "2. Extra-cardhouder" Then
                        wsTemplate.Range("antNaamECH" & CStr(i)) = .Cells(2, j).Offset(2).Value 'vullen namen ECH
                        wsTemplate.Range("antGebDatumECH" & CStr(i)) = .Cells(2, j).Offset(5).Value 'vullen geboortedatum ECH
                        i = i + 1
                    End If
                Next j
            Next i
        End With
    End Sub