Search code examples

how to search highlight count occurences using angular pipes

I have below angular pipe code to search and highlight the text

Let's suppose pets.description has huge description text in below html file

 <div class="search-input">
     <label for="">Search here: </label> <input [(ngModel)]="searchText" type="search">
    <div class="text-contaniner" [innerHtml]="text"  >


export class AppComponent {
  text=`somedummy text here`


   .highlight {
      background-color: violet;
      font-weight: bold;

below is the actual pipe created

 transform(value: any, args: any): unknown {
      if(!args) return value;
      const re = new RegExp("\\b("+args+"\\b)", 'igm');
      value= value.replace(re, '<span class="highlighted-text">$&</span>');
      return value;

This code searches the text and hihglights it.How do I also show the count occurrence of matches apart from highlighting the texts.


  • As per input from @Eliseo below transform function will help to get the count as well.

    transform(value: any, args: any): unknown {
      if(!args) return value;
      count = value.match(re).length;
      const re = new RegExp("\\b("+args+"\\b)", 'igm');
      value= value.replace(re, '<span class="highlighted-text">$&</span>');
      return {text:value,count:count};