I am creating an app using Wikitude API, but I haven't been able to customize the view.
I have asked the developers and I know I can't add buttons to the main view in the current release version (for Android), but I am wondering if I can add more buttons to the options menu. Right now when I press it I get just one button that says "Ignore Altitude" can I modify that button and/or add more buttons to that menu?
I have checked other posts but there aren't any answers. The posts are a little bit old so that is why I am asking again. I haven't found any useful documentation.
Any help is greatly appreciated
if I understood your question correctly, then please try the following: in the method prepareIntent()
of your main Activity, you can add up to 3 menu items:
intent.setMenuItem1("Menu 1", YourActivity.CALLBACK_INTENT);
intent.setMenuItem2("Menu 2", YourActivity.ANOTHERCALLBACK_INTENT);
Then you define the callback function as another activity (with dialog, list and stuffs). It works fine this way for me. I am also playing around a bit with Wikitude, but hard to find something well documented!