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Listing all permutations of a string/integer

A common task in programming interviews (not from my experience of interviews though) is to take a string or an integer and list every possible permutation.

Is there an example of how this is done and the logic behind solving such a problem?

I've seen a few code snippets but they weren't well commented/explained and thus hard to follow.


  • First of all: it smells like recursion of course!

    Since you also wanted to know the principle, I did my best to explain it human language. I think recursion is very easy most of the times. You only have to grasp two steps:

    1. The first step
    2. All the other steps (all with the same logic)

    In human language:

    In short:

    1. The permutation of 1 element is one element.
    2. The permutation of a set of elements is a list each of the elements, concatenated with every permutation of the other elements.


    If the set just has one element -->
    return it.
    perm(a) -> a

    If the set has two characters: for each element in it: return the element, with the permutation of the rest of the elements added, like so:

    perm(ab) ->

    a + perm(b) -> ab

    b + perm(a) -> ba

    Further: for each character in the set: return a character, concatenated with a permutation of > the rest of the set

    perm(abc) ->

    a + perm(bc) --> abc, acb

    b + perm(ac) --> bac, bca

    c + perm(ab) --> cab, cba

    perm(abc...z) -->

    a + perm(...), b + perm(....)

    I found the pseudocode on

    makePermutations(permutation) {
      if (length permutation < required length) {
        for (i = min digit to max digit) {
          if (i not in permutation) {
      else {
        add permutation to list


    OK, and something more elaborate (and since it is tagged c #), from : Rather lengthy, but I decided to copy it anyway, so the post is not dependent on the original.

    The function takes a string of characters, and writes down every possible permutation of that exact string, so for example, if "ABC" has been supplied, should spill out:



    class Program
        private static void Swap(ref char a, ref char b)
            if (a == b) return;
            var temp = a;
            a = b;
            b = temp;
        public static void GetPer(char[] list)
            int x = list.Length - 1;
            GetPer(list, 0, x);
        private static void GetPer(char[] list, int k, int m)
            if (k == m)
                for (int i = k; i <= m; i++)
                       Swap(ref list[k], ref list[i]);
                       GetPer(list, k + 1, m);
                       Swap(ref list[k], ref list[i]);
        static void Main()
            string str = "sagiv";
            char[] arr = str.ToCharArray();