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Mocking ClassLoader in Java Tests Without Breaking the Real ClassLoader

I encountered an issue with mocking the ClassLoader in my tests. The method under test uses Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader() to load a resource, and when I mock the ClassLoader, it breaks the real ClassLoader, causing subsequent tests to fail. I'm looking for a way to mock or use the ClassLoader without breaking the real one. Specifically, I want to either obtain the real ClassLoader before the test and set it back after the test, or find a way to create a file and use it in the test without affecting the real ClassLoader. How can I refactor my test to achieve this?

The method from utility class

public static KeyPair getKeyPairFromKeystore(JwtConfigProperties jwtConfigProperties,
                                                 KeystoreConfigProperties keystoreConfigProperties) { "Called get keypair from keystore");

        KeyStore.PrivateKeyEntry privateKeyEntry = null;
        Certificate cert = null;

        String keystoreName = keystoreConfigProperties.getName();

        try (InputStream in = Thread.currentThread()
                .getResourceAsStream("security/" + keystoreName)
        ) {
            if (in == null) {
      "Input file is null!");
                throw new NoSuchElementException("Input file  is null");

            char[] keystorePassword = keystoreConfigProperties.getPassword().toCharArray();
            char[] jwtPassword = jwtConfigProperties.getPassword().toCharArray();
            String jwtAlias = jwtConfigProperties.getAlias();

            //enforcing jceks
            KeyStore keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance("JCEKS");
            keyStore.load(in, keystorePassword);
            KeyStore.PasswordProtection keyPassword = new KeyStore
            privateKeyEntry = (KeyStore.PrivateKeyEntry) keyStore.getEntry(jwtAlias, keyPassword);
            cert = keyStore.getCertificate(jwtAlias);
            log.debug("Public key: {}", cert.getPublicKey().toString());
        } catch (KeyStoreException | IOException | NoSuchAlgorithmException
                | CertificateException | UnrecoverableEntryException e) {
            log.error("Error message: {}, Exception: {}", e.getMessage(), e);

        return new KeyPair(Objects.requireNonNull(cert).getPublicKey(),

JwtConfigProperties & KeystoreConfigProperties it`s configuration properties from application.yml

My test

public class KeystoreUtilTest {

    private ClassLoader newLoader;

    private InputStream in;

    private KeyStore keystore;

    public void testGetKeyPairFromKeystore_validPublicKey() throws KeyStoreException {

        Certificate certificate = mock(Certificate.class);
        PublicKey publicKey = mock(PublicKey.class);

        JwtConfigProperties jwtConfigProperties = new JwtConfigProperties();
        KeystoreConfigProperties keystoreConfigProperties = new KeystoreConfigProperties();

        when(newLoader.getResourceAsStream("security/" + keystoreConfigProperties.getName())).thenReturn(in);

        try (MockedStatic<KeyStore> keyStoreMockedStatic = mockStatic(KeyStore.class)) {

                    .when(() -> KeyStore.getInstance("JCEKS"))

                    .when(() -> KeyStore.getInstance("JCEKS").getCertificate("alias"))

                    .when(() -> KeyStore.getInstance("JCEKS").getCertificate("alias").getPublicKey())

                    () -> KeystoreUtil.getKeyPairFromKeystore(jwtConfigProperties, keystoreConfigProperties));
            verify(keystore, times(2)).getCertificate("alias");
                    .verify(() -> KeyStore.getInstance("JCEKS"), times(3));


In the test, I am mocking Classloader, but the real one stopped his work and tests don't start after this test


  • Don't mock it. Inject a function as a parameter.

    public static KeyPair getKeyPairFromKeystore(JwtConfigProperties jwtConfigProperties,
                                                 KeystoreConfigProperties keystoreConfigProperties,
                                                 Function<String, InputStream> getInputStream
    ) {
        try (InputStream in = getInputStream.apply("security/" + keystoreName)) {

    In your real code, pass a function

    getKeyPairFromKeystore(..., ...,
        str -> Thread.currentThread()

    In your test, pass whatever function returns the InputStream you want for the test.