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Two problems rendering a qmd file with quarto_render from R

I have a file my_file_to_render.qmd written in RStudio with R. I am trying to render this file with output html format from a file wrapper.R. In wrapper.R I am using:

a_param = "a_name"
quarto_render(input = "my_file_to_render.qmd",
       output_file = paste0(".\\HTML\\my_file_to_render","_",today(), '.html'),
       execute_params =list(pcn = a_param), 

I'm encountering two problem which I can't work out.

  1. I find that the html file does indeed appear in sub-directory 'HTML' as I want however the folder that accompanies my_file_to_render_20220523.html still appears in the working directory. Hence when I open my_file_to_render_20220523.html pictures and formatting are missing. Any suggestions?
  2. I need the folder which stores the formatting to the html file to have the same name. I need file my_file_to_render_20220523 to look in folder my_file_to_render_20220523 and my_file_to_render_20220522 to find the folder my_file_to_render_20220522. Currently that isn't working out.

Could anybody help?



  • I had this same problem, which is also discussed in the quarto-cli discussion forums here:

    My solution was to write my own function which is a wrapper around quarto::quarto_render() that simply moves the rendered output to a desired output_dir. I named the function quarto_render_move() and put it in my personal R package {jph}. You can see the function at

    Here is the function code:

    quarto_render_move <- function(
        output_file = NULL,
        output_dir = NULL,
    ) {
        # Get all the input / output file names and paths
        x <- quarto::quarto_inspect(input)
        output_format <- names(x$formats)
        output <- x$formats[[output_format]]$pandoc$`output-file`
        if (is.null(output_file)) { output_file <- output }
        input_dir <- dirname(input)
        if (is.null(output_dir)) { output_dir <- input_dir }
        output_path_from <- file.path(input_dir, output)
        output_path_to <- file.path(output_dir, output_file)
        # Render qmd file to input_dir
        quarto::quarto_render(input = input, ... = ...)
        # If output_dir is different from input_dir, copy the rendered output
        # there and delete the original file
        if (input_dir != output_dir) {
            # Try to make the folder if it doesn't yet exist
            if (!dir.exists(output_dir)) { dir.create(output_dir) }
            # Now move the output to the output_dir and remove the original output
                from = output_path_from,
                to = output_path_to,
                overwrite = TRUE
        # If the output_dir is the same as input_dir, but the output_file
        # has a different name from the input file, then just rename it
        } else if (output_file != output) {
            file.rename(from = output_path_from, to = output_path_to)