I am facing challanges querying with the reccommended byRole
I used the screen.debug() to confirm that the node I want to query is in DOM.
The aria-labelledby
value is passed to react component as prop and then set to the underlying button element as attribue value.
await screen.findAllByRole('button', { name: /Kärpät/i }); // [node]
await screen.findAllByRole('button', { name: /Syväkankaan Kioski/i }) // Unable to find role="button" and name "Syväkankaan Kioski"
I managed to workaround with using findAllByTestId but I would prefer to use the roles and would like to understand what is happening. Somehow the whitespace causes matcher to fail!?
screen.debug(await screen.findAllByRole('button'));
log output:
aria-label="Lopeta seuraaminen"
class="follow-keyword-toggle-button follow-keyword-toggle-button--active"
class="fas fa-heart"
aria-label="Lopeta seuraaminen"
aria-labelledby="Syväkankaan Kioski"
class="follow-keyword-toggle-button follow-keyword-toggle-button--active"
class="fas fa-heart"
PS I'm implementing a design so dont judge for using button without a text :)
Looks like you are passing the optional "accessible name" parameter to findAllByRole
but you have to understand how an accessible name is generated to pass the correct value.
There is a precedence list for where the accessible name comes from. In your code example, you are specifying two accessible names: aria-label
and aria-labelledby
. Only one will be used. aria-labelledby
has higher precedence than aria-label
so the aria-label
will be ignored. See steps 2B (aria-labelledby) and 2C (aria-label) in the above URL.
Also note that aria-labelledby
should be the ID or list of IDs of other elements in the DOM. I can't tell from your example:
if "Kärpät" is the ID of another element or if "Kärpät" is the actual label (a text literal). If the latter, then you're not using it correctly.
Similarly with:
aria-labelledby="Syväkankaan Kioski"
can be a list of IDs so if you have two DOM elements in your code, one with id="Syväkankaan"
and one with id="Kioski"
, then you're using it correctly. But if you expect "Syväkankaan Kioski" to be the label, then you're not using it correctly.
From the way you're calling findAllByRole
, it appears you think aria-labelledby is a literal string, which is not correct.